How to write your personal vision - Free Template Again!

By | Saturday, November 07, 2015 Leave a Comment

A strong start creates momentum and this lesson is intended to get you up and running right away on your first 12 Week Year.
The first step is to establish an emotionally compelling long-term vision. That is because when applying The 12 Week Year, there will be some days when you just won’t "feel like" taking action on your plan. To help you stay on track you need a powerful "why" – and that’s your vision. (*I'm using the book terminology, but it's more correct to use "mission" here instead of "vision", some people would consider it as a mistake, I know.)
The most powerful visions address and align your personal aspirations with your professional dreams. That’s because in the end, your professional vision often funds and enables your personal vision.
I didn't like much the idea of creating a blank sheet of paper with the headline "My Vision", that's why I'd like to give you a free page from Plans Matter Diary.
We start the new "year" from the 1st of December, 2015 (it will end at the 22nd of February, 2016). If you want to join, like Plans Matter page, so you can get prepared with additional materials I'm going to post here.
Allright, here is the link to download, print the page and fill the gaps in the paragraph, so you'd have your own vision to push you through The 12 Week Year. Isn't it great?

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Writing Your 12 Week Plan + Free Template


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