Writing Your 12 Week Plan + Free Template

By | Friday, November 06, 2015 Leave a Comment

Now it ’s time to write your first 12 week plan. The plan is the roadmap needed to reach your 12 week goals. The best plans are focused on one or two things that you want to make progress on in the next 12 weeks. The fewer goals and weekly actions there are, the easier the plan will be to execute.
To get started, download Plans Matter free template, print it out, and write your first 12 week goal as Goal 1.
Write each additional goal separately. The template fits 3 Goals, it's the maximum to focus and not to be frustrated if something gets wrong. You may focus at only one Huge Goal; that’s fine.
Next, for each of your goals, define the highest-priority daily and weekly actions (tactics) that you must take to reach that goal.
In order to do this it might be helpful to brainstorm on a separate sheet of paper all the things you could do, and then select the ones that will have the greatest impact.
Good luck. smile emoticon
Link for downloading a free template for 12 Week Plan

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