New Year Resolutions - Pick Yours for 2015

By | Thursday, January 01, 2015 Leave a Comment

The first day of the year is great to make plans and think about the year ahead. Usually we all start with good intentions, but quickly lose strength.

Let's continue with a couple of statistic numbers:
Almost 2/3 of people make promises to themselves in New Year.
75% of them maintain their resolutions through the first week of the year. With some primitive knowledge of Maths, we can figure out that 1/4 of people can't EVEN make it for ONE WEEK!

And only 12% of those who set goals, will keep up with them through the year.
(I really want to frame it and put on the wall in my room, as a motivator) :)

There are a lot of gurus of strategic planning and personal motivation, who are willing to give you the secrets how to become a better person. They are always so positive and pleasant, so I don't know about you, but I feel myself like shit that I can't keep up my daily routine and remain as miraculously happy as them. So, I prefer just go with a flow and make a reasonable, action-oriented list of goals I really can cope with.

ALL I KNOW - OVERTHINKING DOESN'T BRING YOU RESULTS.  But if you write your resolutions on paper, it'd be easier for you to follow them. And I wish you could do the same, so I made an A4 paper with New Year Resolutions of different people that you can download and use as ideas for your own list. Some of them are silly, some of them are very hard to achieve, it's just a help for you. The list is ready for printing, and there's a space for your own goals. Write them down, cut the paper and try your best to make them true in 2015. Good luck.

Download New Year Resolutions List

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